CSP publications
A searchable listing of CSP's current publications free to download or view our selection of printed publications which are available to buy now. You can also access a list of the titles of our withdrawn publications
Private physiotherapy practice – the essential guide
Co-written by Physio First and the CSP, this resource is an essential guide to private physiotherapy practice.
Scotland needs more physios briefing
There is now an urgent need to expand the supply of physiotherapists in Scotland. Download the two page colour briefing, outlining the need to expand the physiotherapy workforce supply in Scotland, with calls to action.
Community Rehab Alliance core asks 2023-24
The Community Rehab Alliance (CRA) has developed a list of key messages for partners to use in their own political engagement ahead of the UK General Election
On your way to the world of work: a handbook for new graduates
An essential guide for future graduates and newly qualified physiotherapists on career guidance and support post-studies
Interpretation of the definition of physiotherapist prescribing
A guidance note explaining the scope and extent of the definition of physiotherapist independent prescribing.
CSP Impact Report 2022
The report summarises our progress against corporate objectives in 2021
Annual Quality Review - UK pre-registration physiotherapy education
The composite Annual Quality Review report forms a central component of the CSP’s quality assurance and enhancement arrangements.
Fellowship nomination information
Find all the information and forms you need to make an application/nomination for a Fellowship or Honorary Fellowship.
Complaints briefing: What to do if a complaint is made against you
Stewards' Handbook
Guidance and advice for CSP stewards.