The latest information and guidance for members working in higher education institutions.
CSP accreditation process
The CSP has an important role in safeguarding the quality of physiotherapy pre-registration programmes in the UK through its accreditation, by advising what should be taught on pre-registration programmes and assessing the quality.
Transforming physiotherapy education
Find out about the Transforming Quality in Pre-Registration Physiotherapy Education project and how you can get involved.
Practice-based learning
Practice-based learning is a high priority across the UK and at the CSP. To progress this agenda and increase provision, the CSP is providing resources for clinicians, students and universities.
Physiotherapy apprenticeships
The CSP welcomes the development of physiotherapy apprenticeships. They have the potential to provide an employer-led pipeline to develop and grow the registered and unregistered physio workforce.
Support worker educator resources
Drawing on the expertise of University partners, support workers and students we have developed three engaging lesson plans and associated resources to assist you to teach your students about support workers.
Post-registration programmes
Use our quick reference list to browse post-registration programmes relevant to physiotherapy that have CSP accreditation.
Welcoming and supporting disabled learners
Information and guidance for higher education institute physiotherapy educators, clinicians and students on supporting disabled learners. You can also submit examples of good practice.
Allies in education iCSP network
Allies in Education is a discussion forum on anti-racism, anti-discrimination, and anti-oppression, specifically for those working to deliver pre-registration physiotherapy education.
KNOWBEST research project shares recommendations
The KNOWBEST study aimed to examine the knowledge, behaviours and skills required of modern physiotherapy graduates, including the future role of practice-based learning.
CSP ePortfolio and learning hub
The ePortfolio enables you to create and manage a digital portfolio of your work, reflections and achievements online.
The Learning Hub is a virtual learning environment for members. For the first time you can access learning activities, such as courses, modules and eBites directly from CSP.
HEI webinars
UK-wide HEI webinars are held quarterly for all colleagues working in physiotherapy education. Join for updates on CSP projects and emerging topics, open discussions, innovation and opportunities to share best practices