The CSP Annual Representative Conference (ARC) is taking place on Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th June.
The London Regional Network will be sending representatives who will be voting on 26 proposed motions. We want to know what you think from Thursday 23rd May.
What next?
Motions have been organised into six strands aligned to the CSP Strategic Objectives. Please read them in full here
After this, you are invited to share your views before 28th May via the following links:
Strategic Objective 3: Fulfil the potential of physiotherapy to empower individuals and communities to maximise independence and live long and live well
Strategic Objective 4: Represent the interests of our members at work
Strategic Objective 5: Help physiotherapy networks and communities to organise themselves to influence on behalf of the profession
Strategic Objective 6: Build life-long relations with members
Strategic Objective 1: Position physiotherapy at the leading edge of transforming the delivery of health and social care throughout the UK
Strategic Objective 2: Champion the evidence that physiotherapy is both clinically and cost effective in the planning and delivery of health and social care
We’ve split these into six sets to make it more manageable. You can share your views over several days or in one batch. The choice is yours.
Social Media
We are also running this activity on Twitter @CSPLondon so you can join in via this platform too by liking the motions over the coming days.
Get in touch
Please email us at if you feel strongly about any of the motions and would like us share your views during the debate.
Thank you for your interest and support.
The CSP London Regional Network
Number of subscribers: 1