EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS)

EDS allows you to search and access content from our subscribed online resources. Did you know we have a new discovery platform, WorldCat Discovery? Please use WorldCat Discovery as the library catalogue of the CSP’s eLibrary, Knowledge and Archive Services.

When using EDS, your search will include content from our subscribed databases (see bibliographic databases), eJournals and eBooks.

The search can be as simple or as complex as you need, with the option of using limiters and expanders to focus and refine the results. Results appear as a single list of de-duplicated references. 

You can:

  • use limiters and expanders to alter and refine your searches, including choosing different formats (eBooks, eJournals, etc.)
  • save, email or print the results or export them to bibliographic software such as EndNote, RefWorks, etc.
  • access full text articles or request copies of articles where full text is not available.
  • save and amend your searches.
  • set up alerts to notify you of the latest published evidence on your preferred subjects or of the latest issue of an eJournal.

EDS guides

Information skills 1 includes how to search, review, refine and save your results, how to access eBooks, and find eJournals via Publication Finder.

Information skills 3 introduces you into how to set up your own folder in EDS (to save your searches), and how to create eJournal and topic alerts.  

Information skills 4 lists online tutorials and resources to help you make best use of EDS, eBooks, eJournals and alerts. 

Information skills 7 refers to using screen readers to navigate in EDS and to access eBooks.  

Full article content is only available to CSP members. If you are a member you will need to log in.

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