Transforming consultation approaches: Improve your practice and empower your patients

Clare Aldridge is a CSP professional adviser Euan McComiskie is CSP health informatics lead

In detail
[lustration: James Gibbs]

Getting on the road

Across sectors and specialisms remote consultations have become a part of daily practice. Driven by the need to modernise and improve efficiency in healthcare systems and catalysed rapidly by the pandemic – all four nations have set policies and targets aimed at tackling healthcare challenges. The use of remote consultations continues to evolve as a key part of future service strategies. 

Following the outcome of a 2020 CSP commissioned research project, undertaken by the team at the University of Manchester, the CSP recommends that people are offered a personalised, equitable and flexible hybrid blend of in-person and remote physiotherapy, which is based on their individual needs and preferences, the purpose of the consultation and available resources.

How do I make it work for my patients?

By taking a personalised, flexible and equitable approach that ensures your practice meets the needs and expectations of your patients.

Is it safe?

By taking the right steps you can mitigate risks and provide a safe service to your patients.

Is it effective?

By evaluating your service and using data and evidence you can demonstrate the impact of your service and drive continuous improvement.

Future proof beyond Covid?

By planning research and investment into services you can build long-term improvements that can meet the changing needs of you population.

An evolving repository of resources pertinent to understanding and establishing hybrid consultation approaches is also being created to put key resources and materials at member’s finger tips.

Where is your starting point?

The CSP is developing resources and an implementation guide to help members identify priorities in practically applying the CSP remote consultation recommendations. The guidance is around four essential themes and is applicable across all sectors and specialisms where remote consultations may form part of your service. 

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