CSP diversity networks

The diversity networks are open to all CSP members – including students and associates – who identify as belonging to one or more of the network groups. Membership is on the basis of self-identification and is confidential.

People share ideas

    Join one or more of the diversity networks

    Fill in our online form
    Illustration of people sharing ideas

    Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic network

    The BAME network represents the interests of Black, Asian and minority ethnic CSP members and is a lead contributor to physiotherapy’s equality and diversity agenda.

    Find out about the BAME network and get involved
    BAME network members

    DisAbility network

    The DisAbility network supports disabled CSP members to increase awareness that those with impairments can be and are excellent physiotherapists and support workers.

    Learn more about the DisAbility network
    Disability network

    LGBTQIA+ network

    The LGBTQIA+ network supports and empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual members in the physiotherapy profession.

    All you need to know about the LGBTQIA+ network
    LGBTQIA network

    How our diversity networks operate

    Find out about the purpose and structure of the networks and how they operate, including how members are elected to leadership roles.

    Organisation of the diversity networks
    Diversity Networks come together

    Diversity network calendar

    Read about the key events of the three diversity networks, as well as those held by external organisations relevant to members, and how you can attend.

    Key dates for your diary
    CPD Planning your professional development

    Work in solidarity

    How you can get involved, keep up to date and support the diversity networks as an ally.

    How you can actively support the networks
    Small group sit close together

    Useful resources

    Useful resources on equity, diversity and belonging, from videos and online guides to free posters for your workplace. Plus information about what to do if you are experiencing discrimination at work.

    Access videos, publications, online guides and more

    Guidance for diversity network committee members

    The CSP offers committee members a range of guidance and support such as advice on communicating with members and organising events.

    What support and guidance does CSP offer committee members?
    Copying up notes on to a computer