Key features

5 reasons to study this programme at Sheffield Hallam University
Centre of Excellence for Health Education
You will be taught in one of the largest Allied Health Professional departments in the country with state of the art facilities. This enables you to learn alongside other professionals and allows for a much more varied experience.
Experienced Teaching Team
Our teaching staff are all highly experienced HCPC registered physiotherapists. They are active in physiotherapy research and many continue to work clinically in the NHS or in the private sector. Our breadth of experience ensures that our dynamic and skilled teaching team facilitate the successful development of your skills in patient and client assessment, clinical decision making and therapeutic management.
Innovative Course Design
Our enquiry based learning course encourages autonomous learning and prepares you for clinical practice as a Physiotherapist.
We have an innovative inter-professional education programme where you will learn together with other disciplines to develop concepts of collaborative practice, safeguarding and factors which impact on health.
You will have the opportunity to complete a module in exercise prescription and health promotion and enhance your specialist knowledge with a choice of module in either leading people, pain management, teaching in higher education or a specialised study module.
Service users are integral to our course with involvement in clinical sessions and course development.
A wide range of placements are available to you due to our excellent links with physiotherapy providers across Yorkshire, Humber and the East Midlands.
The first three placements are part time enabling learning both in the clinical environment and University concurrently. The final placement is a full time elective choice placement which could enable you to access areas of specialist interest.
Sheffield Hallam University is renowned for its cutting edge research especially in the Physiotherapy clinical arena both nationally and internationally. You will undertake a clinically relevant research either an evidence review or primary research.
Contact the Course leaders:
Emma Richards tel: 0114 2254107
Grenadine Scott tel: 0114 2252360