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MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration) (September start)

Key features

What you study:

In year 1, you will study taught Masters level modules in the following:

  • Applied Functional Anatomy (20 credits)
  • Applied Physiology for Physiotherapy (15 credits)
  • Professional Studies for AHPs (15 credits)
  • Neuromusculoskeletal Studies 1 & 2 (40 credits)
  • Neurological Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy (20 credits)

During  year 1, you will complete  a 2-week foundation placement as well as  two 6-week practice based learning placements.

In year 2, you will study the following taught Masters level modules:

  • Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Management (20 credits)
  • Research Methods for Health Professionals (15 credits)
  • Current and Emerging Roles within Physiotherapy Practice (15 credits)

During year 2, you will also complete two 6-week practice-based learning placements and   a 4-week elective placement. 

Practice based learning placements will be undertaken at a range of sites  throughout Scotland

How you learn:

Our approach to teaching and learning is underpinned by the view that adult learners on this programme bring with them a valuable array of knowledge, skills and experiences which will be built upon through presenting a variety of purposeful and stimulating opportunities for learning within a secure and supportive environment.  The programme tutors aim to engage the learners in a range of activities which further promote student autonomy and self-direction in terms of learning. Although it is anticipated that all students will be motivated to learn, and have an understanding about how they learn, it is the role of the tutors to facilitate the development of greater expertise in reflection and support the learner towards ever increasing autonomous learning i.e. by assuming responsibility for learning and knowing how to self-regulate and evaluate learning.

Students will thus have the opportunity to experience a range of learning and teaching methods, for example, small group discussions, class debates, case study analysis and critique, collaborative working towards group presentations and/or seminar production, simulated role-play, individual presentations, practice based learning and self-directed study.  The focus of the teaching and learning methods and assessment design is to promote deep learning, develop critical and analytical thinking, the ability to link theory to practice and acquire skills pertaining to life-long learning. Evidence based practice is at the core of our learning and teaching philosophy and all modules utilise methods that promote critical evaluation of physiotherapy practice.

How you are assessed:

A wide range of assessment methods relevant to post-graduate education are used. These include practical viva examinations, courseworks, case studies, group projects, presentations and portfolios. In general, the assessment pattern for each module reflects the aims, learning outcomes and the learning approaches for that module and allows the strengths of the individual student to be expressed in different ways. Practice based learning placements are assessed by practice based educators and are based on performance in the practice setting.