Guidance on what performance management involves, and how CSP reps can ensure members get the proper support to do well at work, and that processes are fair and non-discriminatory.
CSP members work in a constantly changing environment. Healthcare structures and services do not stand still and the demands on individuals and teams can be substantial.
With physiotherapy roles broadening and diversifying all the time, professionals are expected to demonstrate continuing competence and appropriate development to keep pace with changes in practice.
Robust accountability and governance are essential components of an effective and safe healthcare system; performance management can be a valid aspect of that.
What do performance, competence and capability mean?
Find out what the terms he terms performance, competence and capability mean, and when they should be used.
The legal framework for performance management
The law around performance at work, covering employment rights, health and safety and protection from discrimination.
Performance management procedures
How can poor performance be identified, and what action can be taken to address any problems?