CSP Charitable Trust

The CSP Charitable Trust is an independent charitable organisation. It supports physiotherapy education and research through annual awards to members.

Charitable Trust logo

The CSP Charitable Trust (CSPCT) provides funding for research projects, for both novice and inexperienced researchers, and support for a range of professional development activities.

The CSPCT is now registered as a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO).

Find out more about the CSPCT's Trustees

How are Trust monies allocated?

CSP Members should log in to view the Awards Summary section below. Two independent CSPCT panels oversee the allocation of awards:

Charity Commission

Further details about the Charitable Trust's work and annual reports can be found on the Charity Commission website.

  1. CSPCT Scientific Panel: annual funding for research projects to novice researchers and those with some research experience, provided through both response mode and commissioned research.
  2. CSPCT Education Awards Panel: annual funding for a range of education and research activities (accredited courses, presentations, study visits, overseas elective placements) to physiotherapy associates, student members and chartered physios.

Application context

The above panels follow a robust process of application review and approval and panel members are experts in the fields of clinical practice, education and research. Panellists are selected from the CSP membership and appropriate external organisations.

The following strategy and policy documents are available to provide the context in which you are applying.


AMRC Peer Review Audit 2020

The CSPCT does not directly fund research with animal involvement. However, the Trust recognises that some of the underpinning theory for physiotherapy practice is based on research that has involved animals. The CSPCT therefore supports the Association of Medical Research Charities position statement on animal research.

Research in universities

The CSPCT also supports the Association of Medical Research Charities statement on supporting research in universities

Full article content is only available to CSP members. If you are a member you will need to log in.

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